About Us


Our Mission

Drive Clean Bay Area’s mission is to inspire Bay Area residents and employees to drive electric. By making the choice to go electric, residents are taking measurable actions to reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Future: A Collaborative Effort

Drive Clean Bay Area is a collaborative campaign which launched in 2019. The electrification of transportation is essential in order to meet California’s goals for carbon emission reductions. Drive Clean Bay Area focuses on educating and inspiring Bay Area residents and employees to switch from driving gasoline-powered vehicles to cars powered by renewable energy. About 50% of a Bay Area resident's carbon footprint comes from driving gas vehicles, while an electric vehicle has zero tailpipe emissions. In addition to consumer driving, Drive Clean Bay Area also advances e-bike transportation as well as walking, biking, transit and carpooling.

Drive Clean Bay Area is a comprehensive campaign that focuses on engaging with town, city and county governing bodies to enact bold policies to support the EV transition, as well as engaging with non-profits and schools to educate and inspire residents to choose to drive electric. We work with businesses to educate employees, expand their EV charging options, and develop incentives for clean commutes.